
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The Fishtank is dedicated to representing local playwrights, developing original works and exploring new theatrical frontiers. This winter the Fishtank will partner with 5 local playwrights for the "Winter Shorts."  Sunday evenings at 7pm during January & February will feature short plays, scenes and theatrical concepts from Coleman Crenshaw, Prisca Jabet Kendagor, Michelle T. Johnson, Bryan Moses and Tyson Schroeder. Part playwright slam, part staged reading, the plays will be introduced and narrated by the playwright. Sponsored by BLVD Beer!

This winter/spring/summer the Fishtank presents PLAYWRIGHT'S SEMINAR: CONCEPT TO CONCERT.  An eight-week playwriting workshop for writers at all stages of development. We'll give you a space to share and develop your ideas and skills, with the help of a supportive group of peers and the guidance of Fishtank Curator Heidi Van and Seminar Instructor, Bryan Moses.  The workshop will feature discussions, exercises, sharing, and more, building towards each member of the group completing a one-act play or the first act of a larger work. Plays will be presented as staged readings in the "Summer Shorts" series AND production in the 2014 Kansas City Fringe Festival.  MESSAGE FOR DETAILS.  Eight participants required. Workshop, reading and production development will take place from March - August 2014, $250.

AN ADULT EVENING OF SHEL SILVERSTEIN by Shel Silverstein returns Jan 31 - Feb 2 at H&R Block City Stage at Union Station! The Fishtank hit of the summer sold out every performance and remounts for ONE WEEKEND ONLY!

The 5th Annual 12 Plays of Christmas

Join the Fishtank for our 5th Annual Holiday Show, THE 12 PLAYS OF CHRISTMAS! by Devon Barnes, Emma Carter , Coleman Crenshaw , Joseph De...